Digitale Signature
You can significantly speed up the document signing process with the Digital Signature function through Registered Email.
How do you sign and return important documents? Do you print, sign, scan and put in the post? Or just push a button? The Digital Signature is efficient and user-friendly. Where the process of signing a document was once drawn out and lasted for days or even weeks, it can now be completed in no time.
A digital signature can be produced by both the sender and recipient. Digital signatures allow you to instantly sign documents and significantly speed up the sign and return process.
How does the Digital Signature work?
Whether it’s a mortgage, contract or financial agreement, the digital signature is suitable for every document where signing is required. This extra function can be added when you send a Registered Email. The digital signature option complies with the eIDAS legislation concerning the digital signature. In short, a digital signature is proven, valid and has the same value as a signature on paper.